If you have received a quote through Goulburn Murray Solar Savers and are keen to undertake the good practice of comparing quotes when planning to purchase electrification technology for your home or business, some participating councils carry details of local providers. Click on the below council where you live or run a business to find out more from your council website.
You can also look up local and other suppliers who have been approved through the New Energy Tech Consumer Code .
PLEASE NOTE that the Goulburn Murray Solar Savers program does not endorse suppliers or products other than those who have had additional thorough and independent vetting through its own program (Specialised Solar & Electrical).
Residents and business are encouraged to undertake their own due diligence processes before making their final purchase.
You can also look up local and other suppliers who have been approved through the New Energy Tech Consumer Code .
PLEASE NOTE that the Goulburn Murray Solar Savers program does not endorse suppliers or products other than those who have had additional thorough and independent vetting through its own program (Specialised Solar & Electrical).
Residents and business are encouraged to undertake their own due diligence processes before making their final purchase.